Randall Hunt founded Athletic Apex in 2006 and led the popular multi-state health club as president and CEO through 2019. The club has earned recognition from the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association for its focus on continuous innovation. Additionally, Randall Hunt supports a growing nationwide focus on promoting racial equity throughout the fitness industry and has spoken on the topic in a variety of public forums. In June 2020, he was featured in a webinar hosted by Discover Strength designed to help fitness industry professionals and the public openly discuss the issues of race and racial bias in their sector.
Discover Strength is a boutique fitness studio network that offers expert, personalized training for customers in the Twin Cities area in Minnesota. Discover Strength’s CEO expressed concern that his company might not be doing all it could to attract employees and customers from communities of color, and committed to engaging in a serious search to uncover unconscious biases and implement solutions.